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Caring for a person with Burning Mouth Syndrome? 

BMS is not generally a debilitating disease although underlying disorders in Type 2 BMS can create their own challenges. But chronic pain is chronic pain, and your charge may experience depression, withdrawal from social interaction, and a myriad of side effects from the medications they may try to lessen the burning.

We advocate pain diaries and good record keeping, particularly where medicines are concerned. Our average sufferer will try (and often discard) 3-5 different medications that all have their own list of potential side effects. Education about these medications and how to gradually increase or decrease dosage requires good communication with the doctors who prescribe them.

Be careful and communicate.


Our words of wisdom?


If you are caring for someone who is diagnosed with BMS and he or she is prescribed medications or testing...get it in writing, and don't settle for just the prescription information. Many times that may only list the maximum dosage the sufferer will eventually take. You want details on how to gradually get to that dosage, and how to decrease it if it is not helping with their pain. Ask about drug interactions and be sure that the medical professional you are talking to knows about any medications the patient is on, and any underlying conditions.


BMS sufferers often visit a dentist, ENT, family doctor, Neurologist and perhaps a Pain Management Specialist...and they all prescribe, so make sure that your charge's medication list is up to date and bring a copy to doctor visits that you can give to them for your file. 

Got a question? Use the Contact form on this site and we will help if we can.

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